

Video game of "The Darkness II

"The dark 2" is a full of darkness and imagination of violence has the beauty of the game, stylized nightmare ", 2 K Christoph Hartmann for this President of upcoming titles to the work of confidence. The dark 2 "will set in the previous story background will end happened two years later, the player will play again before the protagonist of the dark forces with Jackie Estacado. This game play by the English cartoonist Paul Jenkins is still responsible for, and development work by development is "killing zone", "the biochemical raiders of the lost, and other famous game of research and development business as Digital Extremes.

2 K Games at make with innovation and deep narrative style of the game, and the dark 2 "will be is a fantasy FPS works. Like beauty like wandering, the grand set the rules of physical ability and bloody tangy leading to the slaughter of players can't miss it.

